affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing 101 – 2024 Edition

Ever thought about making money from anywhere, even while you’re catching some Z’s? That’s exactly what affiliate marketing is all about!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based strategy where businesses give you, the affiliate, a big high-five (in the form of cash) for bringing in new customers through your marketing magic.

Here’s the lowdown: you’ve got three main characters in this drama—the company (they’re the ones with the goods), you (the affiliate, the hero of our story), and of course, the customer.

Now, how do you pocket those sweet dollars? Well, it’s all about commissions. You spread the word about products or services, and when your recommendations turn into sales or leads for the company, ka-ching! You’re in the money.

Let’s paint a picture: imagine you rave about this fantastic book on your blog. Your reader, totally hooked by your recommendation, clicks the link you provided, buys the book, and bam! You’ve just earned yourself a commission.

Why is affiliate marketing so rad? It’s simple—it’s a win-win. Businesses grow their customer base, and you, the affiliate, get to line your pockets while doing what you love. Win-win, right?

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

As an affiliate, you basically help a company sell its stuff and you get paid for it! How? Well, when someone buys something or does what the company wants, like signing up or visiting a site, you pocket a commission.

Now, when you join an affiliate program, they give you special links. These links are like your personal tracking devices. They keep tabs on the traffic and sales you bring in.

Then comes the fun part – promoting! You can shout about these products or services anywhere you like – your blog, social media, newsletters, you name it. And every time someone clicks on your special link and buys something or does that thing the company wants, cha-ching! You earn your commission.

So, affiliate marketing? It’s like being a friendly middleman, connecting people with awesome stuff and getting rewarded for it.

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

Let me break it down for you and show you why affiliate marketing worth your while:

Low Barrier to Entry

No product? No worries! With affiliate marketing, you can kickstart your selling journey without needing to create a product yourself.

Here’s how it works: instead of developing your own products, you simply promote others’ offerings. And the best part? You earn a commission for every sale that comes through your referral.

Imagine this: you pick a product that resonates with you, share it with your audience, and every time someone makes a purchase through your recommendation, you pocket a commission. It’s that simple! 

Low Risk

Affiliate marketing is like dipping your toes into a low-risk pool. You’re not juggling products or stockpiling inventory. Nope, signing up for an affiliate program is usually as easy as filling out an online form.

Your investment? Well, it’s not cash; it’s time and effort.

Here’s the beauty of it: If a product doesn’t vibe with your audience, no biggie. Switch it up. You’re not in for a significant loss.

Easily Scalable

In the world of affiliate marketing, you’ve got this incredible advantage—no traditional business boundaries to hold you back!

Think about it: with affiliate marketing, you’re not limited to a local crowd. Nope, you can tap into a global audience. Plus, you’ve got the power to grow by offering all sorts of different affiliate products.

Here’s the kicker: the more products you add to your lineup, the more eyes you can catch and the more money you can make. It’s all about casting that net wider!

But wait, there’s more. If you want to really amp up your earnings, focus on two things: pumping out top-notch content and nailing those promotion strategies. The better your content and promo game, the bigger your paycheck as your audience expands. It’s like leveling up your income potential with every click.

Passive Income

Affiliate marketing is like having a money-making machine that works even while you catch up on some shut-eye. Once you’ve got your promotional content out there, it keeps churning out earnings, even when you’re taking a break.

But let’s clear something up: it’s not some overnight jackpot. Success in affiliate marketing doesn’t come from a quick fix. It’s all about putting in the effort consistently and giving it time to grow into a thriving business. So, if you’re in it for the long haul, get ready to roll up your sleeves and put in the work!

Types of Affiliate Marketing

There are three main flavors you need to know about: unattached, related, and involved:


Unattached affiliate marketing is the simplest way to dip your toes into the affiliate marketing world.

So, picture this: you’re promoting a product or service, but you’re not really tied to it. You’re like a friendly neighbor recommending a cool gadget without being a tech expert or fitness guru.

Instead of diving deep into the product’s world, you’re using strategies like PPC or platforms like Facebook Ads to get eyeballs on your affiliate links. It’s kind of like throwing a party and inviting people over without personally knowing each one.

For example, imagine someone running ads for a fitness gadget they’ve never sweated on the treadmill with. They’re just sending clicks to the seller’s page, no personal stamp of approval or hands-on testing involved.


In related affiliate marketing, the affiliate holds some sway within their product or service’s industry, but they’re not fully immersed. They’ve got a good grasp on the niche, which really helps when it comes to pushing the product out there. But here’s the kicker— their endorsement isn’t based on personal use.

Now, why does this matter? Well, this setup actually earns the affiliate a good deal of trust from their audience. People see them as a credible voice in the niche.

Let’s break it down with an example: Think of a fitness blogger who’s all about promoting nutritional supplements. Their content is all about health and fitness, right? So when they talk about those supplements, it just fits seamlessly. And that’s what makes their promotion feel genuine and trustworthy.


Involved affiliate marketing is when the affiliate has actually tried out the product or service themselves. It’s like giving a personal thumbs-up. This form of affiliate marketing is all about building trust with your audience, which often leads to more sales.

Picture this: You’re browsing tech gadget reviews, and you stumble upon a reviewer who goes the extra mile, testing each device and sharing detailed insights. You trust their opinion because they’ve been hands-on with the products, right?

That’s the power of involved affiliate marketing—it’s like having a friend recommend something they’ve actually used. And that kind of recommendation can really sway people’s purchasing decisions.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

Let’s break it down into a few simple steps to get you started:

Choose a Niche

Your niche is like your specialized playground in the world of affiliate marketing. It’s where you’ll focus your efforts and target your audience. Think of it as picking your favorite game to play, whether it’s sports nutrition supplements, tech gadgets, or home gym equipment.

Now, here’s the fun part – choose a niche that genuinely interests you. When you’re passionate about what you’re promoting, it’s not just marketing, it’s sharing something you love. Plus, it’s easier to create content and connect with your audience when you’re genuinely excited about what you’re talking about.

Once you’ve got your niche locked in, it’s time to do a bit of detective work. Check out the popularity and demand in your chosen niche. You want something more than just a passing fad. Look for a niche with staying power, something that’s not only popular now but has the potential to grow and evolve over time.

Choose an Affiliate Program

To choose the perfect program for you, first off, scope out programs that match your niche. You want products that vibe with what you’re all about.

Next, weigh up some key factors. Check out those commission rates—are they worth your while? And make sure you’re cool with the payment terms. Reputation matters too, so do a little digging.

But hey, there’s more to it! Look into how you’ll actually get paid. Think about the support you’ll get—because trust me, you’ll need it. And hey, if they throw in some extra resources to help you promote, that’s a bonus!

Final Word

Affiliate marketing sounds pretty sweet, right? Earning money while you sleep? Yes, please! But building a successful affiliate biz can take some hustle.

That’s where The Margator comes in as your wingman.

We’ll help you with the tricky stuff, like laser-targeting dream customers with our killer paid media advertisement. You focus on creating epic content and watch those commissions pile up.