
Maximize Your Social Media Reach With Hashtags

Okay, so you’re all in on social media marketing, right? But let’s be real, standing out in that sea of posts ain’t easy. With a jaw-dropping 95 million posts hitting Instagram daily, you need a secret sauce. And guess what? It’s all about hashtags.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of hashtags. You’ll learn why they’re crucial for social media success, how to pick the perfect ones for your brand, and the nitty-gritty of using them across all your favorite platforms. So, no more waiting around—let’s jump right in!

What Is a Hashtag?

So, you’ve probably heard of hashtags (#) before. Back in the day, they were known as the “pound sign” on phones, familiar to Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials alike.

But guess what? In the 21st century, hashtags have taken on a whole new role. Now, they’re like little tags you can attach to your social media posts. And they work like magic! When someone clicks on a hashtag, they’re whisked away to a world of related content.

It’s easy peasy to use them, too. Just slap a # sign in front of the words you want to tag. For instance, if you’re showing off some sweet kicks in your shoe store, you might tag #skateshoes or #formalshoes. And voila! Your posts become part of a bigger conversation.

Why Use Hashtags?

Think hashtags are just a passing trend? Think again! These little gems not only enhance user experience but also work wonders for brands looking to reach more people. Take Twitter, for example – tweets with hashtags score double the engagement compared to those without.

While hashtags may have had their humble beginnings on X platform, they’ve become a staple across all major social media platforms today. And here’s the kicker: integrating hashtags into your overall social media strategy can effortlessly up your engagement rate by 21%.

Think of hashtags as your social media organizer. They make it a breeze for potential customers and followers to find exactly what they’re after.

Which Hashtags Are Suitable For Your Brand?

Using hashtags effectively on social media can really boost your business’s visibility. It’s like having your own personalized label that guides people straight to your content. But, just like finding the right pair of shoes, it’s crucial to pick the right hashtags that fit.

Imagine a shoe store tweeting about a sale but using hashtags like #veterinarymedicine. It’s like trying to sell sneakers in a pet clinic – totally off track!

Some folks think tossing in every popular hashtag will magically expand their reach. Sure, it might work momentarily, but if those hashtags aren’t even remotely related to your content, you’ll just puzzle your audience.

The real trick is using hashtags that match your industry, products, and who you’re talking to. You can even let your values shine through hashtags, like adding #Sustainability or #EthicalFashion.

To find the perfect hashtags, snoop around what others in your field are using. Many platforms offer auto-suggestions as you type, making it a breeze to find relevant tags. For instance, start typing #shoes and watch the magic unfold with related hashtags popping up.

And hey, if you want to outsmart your competition, give our Social Tracker a spin. It’ll show you which hashtags are rockin’ it for your rivals, saving you a ton of guesswork. So lace up those hashtags wisely, and let’s strut your stuff on social media! 

How To Use Hashtags On Your Social Media Platforms

Okay, so each social media platform has its own little quirks when it comes to hashtags. But there are some golden rules that apply pretty much everywhere:

  1. Keep those hashtags to one word.
  2. Numbers? No problem.
  3. But spaces and special characters? Nope, not allowed.

Now, let’s dive into how you can make the most of these hashtags to boost your reach on all the major social media sites.


You have room for up to 30 of them in each post, but should you use them all? Probably not. Here’s the scoop: stick to about a dozen per post for maximum impact.

Now, where do you slap those hashtags? Well, you’ve got options. First up, your profile description can be hashtag heaven. Then, there’s the post itself—just pop that # symbol in your caption followed by your tag of choice. Lastly, there’s the sneaky comment trick. Drop your hashtags there, and they’ll show up for desktop users, but stay hidden for mobile folks until they hit ‘View all comments.’

Want to streamline this process? Our Social Poster tool lets you pre-schedule your comment hashtags along with your posts, making life easier. Currently, it’s an Instagram exclusive, but who knows what’s next? Stay tuned!


Okay, so Facebook offers hashtags, but let’s be real, they’re not as hyped up as they are on other platforms. There’s this ongoing back-and-forth about whether they even make a difference here. Some folks swear by them, others not so much.

But hey, here’s a tip: if you’re gonna use hashtags on Facebook, keep it chill with just one or two per post. That way, you’re not overdoing it and still giving them a shot.


Hashtags are the OG of social media. But when it comes to using them in advertising Tweets, it’s easy to trip up and end up with crickets instead of engagement.

So, here’s the scoop: the trick is to drop hashtags in Tweets that kickstart a convo. It’s all about that organic reach, getting people chatting with you on the socials.

Keep it simple, either slotting a hashtag right into your sentence or popping it at the end. And word on the street from the pros? Stick to a max of two hashtags per Tweet for primo engagement rates.


Using hashtags on LinkedIn is super easy! When you’re crafting a LinkedIn update, simply include your hashtags right in your content or hit “Add hashtags” at the bottom of your post. You can check out the desktop example below for guidance.

You’ve got flexibility with hashtags – there’s no cap on how many you can use. But here’s a tip: LinkedIn suggests sticking to three per post for optimal impact.


Keep in mind, LinkedIn is all about professionalism. So, ensure your hashtags match the platform’s vibe and steer clear of any inappropriate language.

TikTok relies on hashtags to organize content and make it easier to find. What sets TikTok apart is its blend of popular and niche hashtags. Users often mix highly trending hashtags with more specialized ones or branded tags, aiming to attract a smaller but more engaged audience.

So, how do you find the best hashtags on TikTok? Start by spying on your competition. Check out their most liked and viewed videos to see which hashtags they’re using.

Another tactic is to peek into your own followers’ activity. If you’re a brand like Nike, for example, looking at your followers’ profiles can reveal a treasure trove of niche and trending hashtags related to shoes.

You can also jump on the hashtag challenge bandwagon. These challenges, tied to specific hashtags, range from dances to makeup tutorials to pranks. With TikTok, the possibilities are endless.

And don’t forget about the search bar. Explore popular topics and trending searches to discover even more hashtag ideas.

By tapping into TikTok’s hashtag ecosystem, you can expand your reach and engage with a wider audience than ever before.

Final Word

So, you’ve explored the amazing world of hashtags! You’re ready to unleash their power and get your brand noticed. But let’s be honest, juggling all the social media craze can be, well, crazy!

Don’t worry, The Margator is here to turn up the volume with our paid media services.

Our social media ninjas are here to be your hype squad. We’ll help you pick the hottest hashtags, manage your accounts like a boss, and watch your engagement explode.