keyword research

Master Rankings: How To Do Keyword Research

Remember that feeling of confusion after a crazy Google update hits? It happens to the best of us in SEO! But through all the changes, one thing remains constant: doing the keyword research is still essential for getting your website seen. The good news is, there are ways to crack the keyword code and attract the right visitors. Let’s explore how to pick the best keywords to take your SEO to the next level!

What is Keyword Research?

Have you ever felt like you’re creating amazing content, but it’s just not getting the attention it deserves? That’s where keyword research comes in. It’s like being a detective for your website. You dig into what people are searching for online, specifically around your niche or industry.  This helps you uncover the keywords people use to find the information they need.

By understanding these keywords for seo, you can tailor your content to directly address those search queries.  Think of it as using a secret language to talk to your target audience. They’re asking questions, and keyword research equips you with the right answers to get your website noticed in search results. The bonus? You’ll attract more qualified visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Why Is Keyword Reasearch Important?

Let’s talk about why keyword research is a big deal for SEO. Think of it as peering into the minds of your potential audience. You get to see exactly what they’re typing into search engines. This helps you figure out what they’re after and what you should focus on to climb up those search result rankings.

Now, imagine you create content that’s like a perfect match for what people are searching for. Boom! You’re more likely to pop up organically in search results. And guess what? Sprinkling those important keywords throughout your content can give it an extra push up the ranks.

Google’s all about relevance when it comes to ranking content. They say that having the right keywords that match what people are searching for is a big deal. So, knowing those exact words can really give your content a boost.

Elements Of Keyword Research

So, when you’re diving into keyword research, there are three key things you really want to focus on:


Let’s chat about Google rankings. It’s like being the cool kid at the party – you gotta be relevant. Ever heard of search intent? That’s like knowing what people are after when they type stuff into Google. Your content gets the spotlight only if it matches what folks are looking for. And hey, it’s not just about being okay; you gotta be the MVP, the one-stop-shop for what people need. Think about it, why would Google give your stuff a high-five if it’s not as awesome as what’s already out there? It’s all about serving up the good stuff! And that’s where doing some solid keyword research comes in handy.


Google’s big on authority. So, if you want Google to give you a nod of approval, you’ve gotta make your site a go-to spot for killer info. Spread the word, share your content, and snag those likes and links. But, if you’re not exactly king of the hill in your field, or if the big guns like Forbes or The Mayo Clinic are hogging the spotlight in your keyword search, it’s gonna be an uphill battle to rank. That’s where some savvy keyword research can really save the day.


Picture this: You’ve got your website all spruced up and you’re aiming to rank high for a specific keyword. But hold up! What if that keyword is like a secret code that nobody’s punching into Google?

It’s like setting up your lemonade stand in a deserted town—no customers, no sales. That’s where keyword research comes in. We’re talking about digging into what people are actually typing into their search bars.

Think of it like this: MSV (monthly search volume) is our trusty tool. It gives us the lowdown on how often a keyword gets searched each month by everyone surfing the web. So, let’s focus on those juicy keywords that folks are actually hunting down. That’s the ticket to driving traffic your way!

How To Reaserch Keywords For SEO

Let us break it down for you: a simple method for doing keyword research to supercharge your SEO game. It’s like unlocking the treasure chest of words that’ll boost your website’s visibility. Let’s get the ball rolling:

Step 01 – Make a list of relevant topics that matter for your business

First off, think about what you wanna be known for in the vast online universe. It’s like sorting your thoughts into cool little boxes. Aim for about 5 to 10 of these topic boxes that scream, “Yo, this is what my business is all about!” Later on, we’ll sprinkle in some specific keywords to jazz things up.

If you’re a regular blogger, these topics are probably your jam. Or maybe they’re the hot topics that always pop up in your sales convos. Think like your dream customer – what would they type into Google to find you? Let’s say you’re running a company like The Margator, dishing out marketing services. Your topic boxes might look a little something like this:

See those numbers in brackets? That’s how many people are searching for those topics every month. It’s like getting a sneak peek into what’s hot and what’s not for your audience. Plus, it helps you figure out how many different little topics you might need to cover to really nail that keyword. 

Step 02 – Fill in those topic boxes with keywords

Now that you’ve identified a few topic buckets to focus on, let’s dive into keyword research. Think of it as finding the perfect search bait for your potential customers.

For example, if you’re a marketing software company and one of your buckets is about SEO, brainstorm keyword phrases like “SEO tools,” “What is SEO?” or “How to do SEO?”

Remember, this brainstorming isn’t about finalizing your keyword list; it’s just about dumping out all the phrases your customers might use in their searches.

Google’s encrypting more keywords, but you can peek at what’s already leading people to your site using tools like Google Analytics.

Repeat this process for each bucket. And if you’re stuck, chat with your Sales or Service colleagues—they’re a treasure trove of customer insights.

Step 03 – Understand how search intent affects keyword research

In the previous section, we  mentioned how crucial user intent has become for ranking well on search engines like Google. Nowadays, it’s not just about stuffing your web page with keywords; it’s about solving the searcher’s problem. So, how does this shake up your keyword research game?

Well, let’s talk about it. It’s tempting to see keywords at face value, but they can hide layers of meaning. Because the intent behind a search matters so much, you’ve got to be sharp about understanding the keywords you’re aiming for.

Take, for instance, the keyword “how to start a blog.” Seems straightforward, right? But hold your horses. “Blog” could mean a blog post or the whole blog website. And what the searcher really wants will steer your article’s course. Are they after tips on crafting a single post or gearing up to launch a full-on blogging empire? If your content plan is hitched to the latter, you better double-check that keyword’s intent before you go all in.

To suss out what a user’s after with a keyword, try plugging it into a search engine yourself. See what pops up. Make sure the results line up with the content you’re itching to create for that keyword.

Step 04 – Research related search terms

So, when you’re knee-deep in keyword research, here’s a neat trick to beef up your list that you might not have tried yet. Picture this: you’re racking your brain for more keywords on a specific topic, but nada is coming up. That’s when you turn to our buddy Google for a little help. 

Pop in your main keyword and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Voila! You’ll see a bunch of related search terms pop up. These little gems can give you some fresh ideas to expand your keyword list. And guess what? The fun doesn’t stop there! Dive deeper by typing in some of those related terms and see what else Google suggests. It’s like a keyword treasure hunt!

How To Research Keywords For Your Website

So, you’ve got some keywords in mind that you want to rank for. Awesome! Now, let’s fine-tune that list to pinpoint the best ones for your game plan. Here’s the lowdown on how to do it:

Step 01 – Prioritize low-hanging fruit

So, when we talk about focusing on low-hanging fruit, we’re really talking about picking those keywords that give you a decent shot at ranking well considering your website’s authority. Big companies usually target the high search volume keywords, and because they’re already big shots, Google tends to give them authority on a bunch of topics. But hey, you don’t have to play their game! You can look into keywords with less competition. If there aren’t a bunch of articles already duking it out for the top spot, you might just slide into that coveted position by default. It’s all about doing your keyword research smartly.

Step 02 – Check the monthly search volume for chosen keywords

So, when you’re creating content, it’s crucial to focus on what people are searching for online. This is where keyword research comes in. Essentially, it’s about understanding what people are typing into search engines like Google each month. One key metric to pay attention to is Monthly Search Volume (MSV), which tells you how many times a specific keyword or search query is entered into search engines monthly.

To make this process easier, you can use tools like or Google Trends. These tools show you which keywords are trending or being searched for the most, all for free! So, when brainstorming content ideas, give keyword research a try—it could be the key to getting your content noticed by the right audience!

Step 03 – Check for head terms and long-tail keywords in each box

So, when we talk about keywords, we’ve got two main types: head terms and long-tail keywords. Head terms are those short and snappy phrases, usually just one to three words, while long-tail keywords are a bit more elaborate, like three words or more.

Now, why does this matter? Well, having a good mix of both is like having a balanced diet for your keyword strategy. You want a bit of everything for both short-term wins and long-term goals.

Here’s the deal: head terms, because they’re shorter and catchier, tend to get searched more often. But here’s the catch—they’re also usually tougher to rank for. Take a look at this: “how to write a great blog post” versus just “blogging.” Which one do you reckon is trickier to rank for? Yep, you got it, the second one.

But hey, don’t let that bum you out. Sure, head terms might bring in more traffic, but the traffic you get from specific long-tail keywords is often more valuable. Think about it: someone searching for “how to write a great blog post” is likely on the hunt for something super specific. They’re probably a much better fit for whatever you’re offering in the blogging world compared to someone searching for the generic term “blogging.”

So, it’s all about finding that sweet spot between quick wins with long-tail keywords and chipping away at those tougher head terms in the long run. Make sure your keyword list has a bit of both, and you’ll be golden.

Step 04 – Check how competitors are ranking for these keywords

You know, just because your competition is diving headfirst into something, doesn’t automatically mean you gotta follow suit. It’s like when everyone’s buzzing about a new meme – it might not be your thing, and that’s totally fine!

Same deal with keywords. Just because your rivals are all hyped up about certain ones doesn’t mean they’re your magic ticket. But hey, peeking at their keyword choices can be pretty enlightening for your own keyword research.

If you see some of the same keywords on their radar and yours, it’s a sign you should definitely amp up your efforts on those. But don’t snooze on the ones they’re not really bothering with. It could be your golden opportunity to swoop in and rule the roost on those key terms.

Finding that sweet spot between the tough nuts to crack and the easier ones is crucial. It’s like mixing up your playlist with some bangers and some chill vibes – gotta have that perfect balance!

And always keep in mind, your keyword list should be like your trusty sidekick, helping you bag some quick wins while also propelling you towards those big SEO dreams.

Final Word

In conclusion, mastering keyword research is the key to boosting your website’s visibility and climbing those search engine rankings. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be equipped to craft a strategic keyword strategy that drives targeted traffic to your site. Don’t let Google updates or competition deter you – with the right approach, you can achieve your SEO goals.

Ready to supercharge your SEO game? Let our team of experts handle your keyword research and optimization needs. Contact us today to learn more about our SEO services and take your website to the next level!