wordpress as a cms

7 Powerful Reasons to Choose WordPress as a CMS in 2024

Curious about WordPress as a CMS? If you’ve dabbled in website creation talk, chances are you’ve stumbled upon it. Launched in 2003, WordPress reigns as the leading CMS globally, fueling over 60 million sites. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned developer, you might need help weighing WordPress against other options. Let’s dive into our guide for insights into what makes WordPress stand out and why it’s the go-to choice for many.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). Initially just for blogs, but now? Oh it’s evolved into a powerhouse CMS that can do it all! Whether you’re into blogs, portfolios, or eCommerce, WordPress has got you covered. And get this – no coding expertise required! Plus, it’s completely free under the GNU General Public License – install, customize, and use it to your heart’s content!

Fast forward to today, and WordPress stands tall as the backbone for over 60 million websites operating on a CMS. Its widespread popularity speaks volumes about its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and the thriving community behind it.

With a treasure trove of WordPress themes and plugins available, it’s the go-to choice for anyone looking to kickstart a personal venture or launch an online business.

Why Use WordPress as a CMS?

Wondering why WordPress as a CMS is a game-changer for your website? If you’re questioning its significance, you’re not alone. Many wonder, “Why switch?” Well, let’s bust the myth. Initially known for blogging, WordPress has transformed into a dynamic website builder and a versatile CMS. So, why make the switch? Let’s dive in:


You know what’s awesome about WordPress as a CMS? It’s a hit for its affordability! WordPress is a free software which means you can grab it, tweak it, and mold it to fit your wildest website dreams. From blogs to business sites, it’s got you covered. 

But hey, let’s be real for a sec. While WordPress itself won’t cost you a dime, you’ll still need a couple of things to get rolling.

First up, you’ll need a domain name. Think of it as your website’s street address on the internet. (Like, say, margator.com)

Then there’s web hosting. Picture it as your website’s cozy little home, where all its files hang out.

Now, if all this sounds a bit overwhelming and you’d rather have a pro handle the setup, no sweat! Our crew of WordPress wizards is here to lend a hand with our top-notch WordPress development services. 


Despite its remarkable flexibility and power, WordPress serves as an accessible CMS even for newcomers. Its user-friendly dashboard neatly organizes various menu options along the sidebar. From crafting posts and pages to tweaking website aesthetics and adding navigation menus, WordPress simplifies website management for beginners.

One of its key advantages lies in its updates. WordPress regularly rolls out core updates that can be effortlessly installed with a single click. Similarly, updates for plugins and themes are just as convenient to implement. Moreover, WordPress boasts a plethora of top-notch backup plugins, many of which are available for free. These tools enable users to schedule automatic backups and store them securely on platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Security is another area where WordPress excels. By adhering to basic security best practices, users can bolster their website’s defenses significantly. With such streamlined functionalities, tasks that once consumed hours now take mere minutes, empowering you to focus on what truly matters—building your online presence hassle-free.

Highly Customizable

Many WordPress users aren’t tech wizards; in fact, most dive in without a clue about web design or coding. But that’s where WordPress as a CMS shines. With a plethora of free themes catering to every site type imaginable, customization becomes a breeze. Take Astra, for instance—it offers 90+ templates, perfect for beginners aiming for a sleek, professional website.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. WordPress themes often come with built-in options panels, allowing you to tweak colors, logos, backgrounds, and more without touching a single line of code. Plus, if you’re itching for further customization, drag-and-drop builders like SeedProd let you craft stunning landing pages, sales funnels, and product showcases effortlessly.

And let’s talk plugins. These nifty tools function like website apps, supercharging your site with advanced features like analytics, contact forms, and membership areas. With thousands to choose from, it’s easy to get lost, but fear not, we’ve got your back.

From contact forms to SEO boosters, these plugins transform your WordPress site into a powerhouse, driving traffic, engagement, and conversions. So whether you’re a blogging newbie or an e-commerce enthusiast, WordPress as a CMS has got you covered.

SEO Friendly

The ultimate truth remains: without visitors, even the most outstanding website falls short. Fortunately, WordPress, as a CMS, is engineered with search engine optimization in its DNA. Crafted with impeccable code and user-friendly markup, WordPress earns favor from Google and other search engines. This means your site stands a better chance of ranking high in search results.

To supercharge your traffic, consider leveraging a WordPress SEO plugin. Our top pick? All in One SEO (AIOSEO), trusted by over 3 million websites for its simplicity and robust features.


Security ranks high on businesses’ worry list. Given the rising data breaches, ensuring your data and your customers’ information stays safe is paramount. Luckily, with WordPress as a CMS, you can rest easy. By simply staying on top of plugin updates and password management, WordPress proves itself as one of the most reliable and secure CMS options. It comes packed with protective features, from automatically logging out idle users to incorporating two-factor authentication, bolstering your website’s defense.


Opting for WordPress as a CMS offers a scalable environment for your website. You’re free to pick the hosting provider and plan that fits you best. If your website demands more resources, simply upgrade your plan or switch hosts. This flexibility means your WordPress site can adapt as your business or audience grows.


Did you know that WordPress as a CMS speaks over 70 languages in its admin panel? Cool, right? So, if your site’s got a global vibe, no worries! There are loads of plugins out there, both free and paid, to help you craft content in multiple languages. Easy peasy!

What Types of Websites is WordPress Good For?

Many opt for WordPress as a CMS to create diverse websites, such as:

  1. Personal Blogs: With robust blogging features and an intuitive interface, managing your content is a breeze.
  2. Portfolios: Showcase your creativity effortlessly with tailored themes and gallery plugins.
  3. Business Websites: From contact forms to testimonials, WordPress caters to essential business needs seamlessly.
  4. Online Stores: Transform your site into a thriving eCommerce platform with WooCommerce and secure payment options.
  5. Membership Sites: Easily manage memberships and subscriptions with specialized plugins.
  6. News Outlets: Streamline content delivery and user roles for efficient news dissemination.
  7. Charity Platforms: Integrate donation systems and event calendars to support your cause effectively.
  8. Forums: Foster community engagement with customizable forum plugins.
  9. Online Courses: Create and manage courses effortlessly with dedicated learning management plugins.
  10. Accommodation Sites: Simplify hospitality operations with plugins for reservations, pricing, and guest management.
  11. Event Listings: Promote events with ease using plugins for ticket sales, sponsorships, and social media integration.
  12. Job Boards: Streamline hiring processes with dedicated plugins for managing job listings and applications.

Common WordPress Challenges To Be Aware Of

Thinking about diving into WordPress as a CMS? Awesome! But here’s what to focus on to really maximize its perks, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro:

Security Concerns: 

WordPress comes with built-in security features, and its dedicated global team is always on the lookout for any potential risks. However, it’s crucial to note that since WordPress is open-source, users play a key role in maintaining their site’s security. Simple steps like using strong passwords and keeping your WordPress version up-to-date can go a long way in keeping your website safe. When it comes to securing your WordPress site, selecting a reliable hosting provider is the first step.

Third-Party Features

WordPress boasts a massive range of themes and plugins, right? But here’s the thing: not all of them stick to top-notch coding standards. That can spell trouble with performance and security down the line.

Whether you’re opting for a freebie or splurging on a premium theme or plugin, it’s smart to give its description and user reviews a good once-over. Safety first, you know?

Oh, and steer clear of those nulled versions of paid extensions. They might seem like a bargain, but they’re often riddled with security loopholes and tend to miss out on crucial updates. Better safe than sorry, right?

Page Load Time

Ever wondered why your WordPress site might be sluggish? Things like too many plugins, oversized images, or messy code can drag it down. But fear not! Optimize these elements for lightning-fast performance. Plus, our secret weapon? LiteSpeed hosting—guaranteed to rev up your site’s speed. Activate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for even quicker content delivery and shorter load times. Your website will thank you!

Final Word

In conclusion, WordPress stands as the undisputed champion of CMS platforms, offering unparalleled versatility, user-friendliness, and scalability. As you embark on your website journey, remember that WordPress isn’t just a tool; it’s a dynamic ecosystem brimming with possibilities. Whether you’re a blogger, entrepreneur, or seasoned developer, harnessing the power of WordPress opens doors to endless opportunities for growth and success.

Ready to make your mark online? Let our team of WordPress experts at The Margator  take your website to the next level. Whether you need custom WordPress development, optimization, or support, we’ve got you covered. Let’s turn your WordPress dreams into reality!