branded content

Branded Content 101: What It Is and How to Craft It

Ads don’t usually capture audiences’ hearts, but branded content does.

In this guide, we’ll dive into what branded content is, why it’s important, and share some standout examples. Plus, we’ll show you how to use branded content to benefit your company.

What Is Branded Content?

Branded content is all about creating material in collaboration with publishers or advertisers to showcase your company’s values and ideas in a way that resonates with your audience, ultimately boosting brand awareness.

How is branded content different from traditional marketing?

Well, instead of just pushing product or service details, it aims to evoke emotions and provoke thought. It steers clear of aggressive sales tactics, making viewers feel like they aren’t being sold to at all.

This approach makes the content more shareable and engaging.

Branded content has several key characteristics:

  • Emotional Connection: It touches viewers on a deeper emotional level.
  • Brand Identity: It helps shape your brand’s personality, showing it’s more than just a company.
  • Conversation Starter: It creates engaging content that people want to share and talk about.
  • Value-Driven: It emphasizes brand values rather than just products or services.
  • Storytelling: It uses storytelling techniques to weave compelling narratives.
  • Consumer Value: It offers something desirable to consumers, like humor or entertainment.
  • Collaborative Effort: It often involves partnerships with celebrities, influencers, or even the audience.

In short, branded content is about building a genuine connection with your audience through thoughtful, engaging, and valuable content.

What Branded Content Isn’t?

As we discussed earlier, branded content takes a more nuanced approach to marketing.

Instead of focusing on products and services, branded content steers clear of traditional formats like:

  • Commercials
  • Clickable ad banners
  • Pop-up ads

Branded content stands apart from product placement, content marketing, and conventional advertising in several ways.

Let’s dive into these distinctions.

Branded Content vs Product Placement

Product placement just can’t tell a story like branded content can.

Sure, a product might pop up in a TV show or movie, but the story isn’t really about the product.

Plus, with product placement, the product is always front and center. Branded content, on the other hand, often doesn’t even show the product clearly—sometimes it’s not shown at all.

Branded Content vs Content Marketing

Content marketing is a broad term that includes creating various types of content and sharing it to boost your brand’s awareness and interest. Examples of content marketing include:

  1. Blog posts
  2. Emails
  3. Newsletters
  4. Social media posts
  5. Podcasts
  6. Ebooks
  7. Videos

Branded content can be a key part of your overall content marketing strategy.

Branded Content vs Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising is all about directly pushing a product or service through things like banners, pop-up ads, and TV commercials.

Branded content, on the other hand, might not even mention the product or service at all. Instead, it focuses on telling a story, sharing an idea, or highlighting a value that customers will naturally associate with the brand over time.

Why Is Branded Content Important?

Why does branded content matter? Picture it as a long-term investment in your brand’s future. When done right, it’s like planting seeds that grow into strong customer connections, word-of-mouth buzz, and valuable leads.

Take, for instance, Bark & Meow, a pet food company that gets it. They team up with a filmmaker to craft a series of heartwarming videos about pet adoption from local shelters. These aren’t just any videos; they’re filled with touching interviews from pet owners and shelter volunteers, sharing stories of love and transformation.

Now, imagine these videos hitting Bark & Meow’s social media feeds. They don’t just post and forget; they encourage their followers to chime in with their own adoption tales.

What happens next is magic. Suddenly, Bark & Meow isn’t just a pet food company; it’s a symbol of compassion for shelter animals. Whenever folks hear the name Bark & Meow, they’re greeted with warm fuzzies and images of wagging tails and purring kitties.

And here’s the beauty of it: when customers connect with this heartfelt message, they’re not just buying pet food; they’re buying into a cause they believe in. They become loyal fans, spreading the word to anyone who’ll listen.

So, when it’s time to restock on pet supplies, guess which brand they’ll choose? You got it—Bark & Meow. Because they’re not just buying kibble; they’re supporting a mission they’re proud to stand behind.

That’s the power of branded content done right. It’s not just marketing; it’s storytelling that touches hearts and builds lasting relationships.

How To Craft Engaging Branded Content?

Ready to Dive into Branded Content Creation? This Easy Step-by-Step Guide Will Get You Started on Building Your Brand Identity and Connecting with Your Audience!

Identify What Your Brand Wants To Say

You’ve got to really know your brand inside out, I mean, what it’s all about and what it really stands for. Because that’s what shapes the stories and messages your brand dishes out.

If you can’t confidently shout out your brand’s values, vibe, and personality, then it’s back to the drawing board, my friend.

To figure out what your branded content should be all about, let’s kickstart things with some questions:

  • So, what makes your brand stand out from the crowd?
  • What kinda issues or challenges can your brand swoop in and solve?
  • When folks hear your brand’s name, what’s the first thing you want popping into their heads?
  • Let’s talk tone—what’s the vibe you wanna set with your content?
  • How do you want people to feel after soaking in your content?
  • And last but not least, what action do you want your content to spark in people?

Answering these babies will set you on the right path to crafting killer branded content that’s totally you.

Create Content That Speaks Directly To Your Customers

Ever wondered why some ads feel like a breath of fresh air while others just blend into the noise? It’s all about branded content. You see, good branded content isn’t about bombarding you with sales pitches. It’s about putting you first, tapping into authenticity, and tugging at those heartstrings.

Think about it: traditional ads often scream, “Hey, buy this!” But branded content? It’s more like, “Hey, let’s have a chat. I care about what you care about.”

Now, here’s the real kicker: to truly connect with folks and earn their trust, you’ve got to walk the talk. Take Bark & Meow, for example. They didn’t just talk the talk; they walked the walk. Through their heartfelt video series, they showed they’re all about supporting shelter adoptions.

But here’s the thing: if they suddenly partnered with a sketchy puppy mill or turned a blind eye to animal cruelty, they’d be shooting themselves in the paw. Why? Because branded content isn’t just about tugging at your heartstrings—it’s about doing it authentically.

So, the next time you’re crafting branded content, remember: speak to the heart, but do it with honesty and integrity. That’s the secret sauce to winning over hearts and minds.

Tell A Story

Your branded content needs to weave a compelling narrative. Why? Because stories stick. They’re not just entertaining; they’re educational too, leaving a lasting impression. Plus, stories are inherently shareable.

When it comes to branded content, it’s all about mastering the art of brand storytelling. Imagine your brand as the protagonist in a captivating tale.

Just like any great story, your branded content should feature characters that resonate with your audience. Start strong with a gripping introduction that hooks them in. Then, take them on a journey filled with emotional highs and lows.

Every good story has conflict, but it also offers resolution. Your branded content should do the same—addressing challenges and providing solutions.

And don’t forget the finale! Your content should leave people feeling enlightened, like they’ve gained something valuable from the experience.

Remember the example we discussed earlier about Generation Impact? That’s the kind of narrative power you want to harness for your branded content.

Collaborate With The Right People

Want to boost your brand’s reach? Collaborating with influencers, companies, advertisers, or publishers is the way to go! But hold your horses, partner-picking isn’t a random game. Here’s the lowdown on what to look for:

When teaming up with influencers, aim for those who tick these boxes:

  • A solid fanbase
  • Followers who match your target audience
  • Values that sync up with yours
  • Content that’s genuine and top-notch

And when it comes to publishers and advertisers, it’s all about finding folks who vibe with your brand’s ethos. You don’t want any clashes in values, right?

Take a peek at their past work to see if it aligns with your brand’s vibe.

Social media? Oh yeah, it’s a goldmine for finding potential partners.

Know What To Avoid

Before you jump into crafting your branded content, it’s crucial to steer clear of some common pitfalls.

You definitely want your branded content to hit the mark, right? So it resonates with your audience. Here’s the lowdown on what to avoid.

  1. Don’t let your product steal the spotlight. It’s about your brand, not just what you’re selling.
  2. Skip the generic stories. Think deeply about who you’re talking to.
  3. Avoid narratives that come off as pushy, preachy, or too controversial. Keep it relatable.
  4. Don’t force conversations about your product alone. It’s about building your brand’s identity.
  5. Resist the urge to copy another company’s playbook just because it worked for them.
  6. Stay away from topics that are no longer relevant. Keep it fresh.
  7. Don’t get too lost in technical jargon. Keep it accessible.
  8. Show, don’t just tell. Visuals speak volumes.
  9. Don’t expect an overnight revenue boost from branded content. It’s a long-term investment.

Remember, this isn’t a quick fix. Think of branded content as a steady effort to boost your brand’s presence. It might take time, but it’s worth it for your brand’s future success

Final Word

In a world where ads often feel like a miss, branded content shines as a connection guru. We’ve peeled back the layers of branded content—what makes it tick, why it’s a game-changer, and how you can rock it. Now, it’s your turn to shine!

Feeling a bit stuck on how to spin your story? Margator’s got your back with our content development services. Let’s whip up content that talks straight to your peeps, spins stories that hook ’em, and builds bonds that last. It’s not just about sharing your brand’s story—it’s about living it out together.