is wordpress dying

Is WordPress Dying? Reviewing the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Have you stumbled upon those whispers online asking, “Is WordPress dying?” 

Let’s set the record straight: WordPress is far from dying. In fact, it’s the reigning champion of website builders, powering a whopping 43% of the internet. With its widespread adoption, adaptability, and regular updates, WordPress remains at the top of its game.

But hey, we get it. You might have come across some articles or forum threads trying to steer you away from the platform.

Well, fear not! In this piece, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty and debunk the myth of WordPress dying. Plus, we’ll give you the lowdown on what’s great, what’s not-so-great, and what’s just plain ugly about the platform.

Is WordPress Dying?

So, is WordPress dying? Well, let’s put those rumors to rest. WordPress, the open-source software beloved by many, is far from being on its deathbed.

First off, it’s important to distinguish between and The former is the self-hosted version, while the latter is a hosted service. Now, onto the good stuff.

WordPress is not just alive; it’s thriving. With its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and best of all, it’s completely free. Need proof of its popularity? Look no further than its domination of the CMS market, boasting over 64% market share. And get this, about 36% of the top 10,000 websites are powered by WordPress. Yep, it’s kind of a big deal.

And hey, if it’s good enough for big dogs like Sony Music, CNN, and Disney Books, then it’s definitely worth your consideration.

But wait, there’s more. WordPress isn’t just coasting on past successes. Nope, it’s regularly updated, making it secure and cost-effective. Plus, with a plethora of customization options, it’s a dream come true for website owners and small businesses alike.

Now, about those rumors of WordPress’s demise. Let’s just say they’re greatly exaggerated. Often spread by folks who swear by other platforms, these tales of WordPress’s downfall just don’t hold up.

So, in conclusion, WordPress isn’t outdated—it’s as vibrant as ever. But hey, let’s take a closer look at its pros and cons to see if there’s any truth to the rumors.

But hey, let’s be real – WordPress isn’t perfect. It’s got its ups and downs, just like anything else. So stick around, and we’ll dive into the good, the bad, and the ugly of WordPress to see if it’s really showing its age.

The Good

First up, let’s chat about why it’s still kicking and why “Is WordPress dying?” might not be the right question to ask.

Regular Updates

It’s constantly evolving, with regular updates rolling out like clockwork. Think 2-3 major releases each year, packed with new features and top-notch security measures.

But that’s not all! In between those big updates, you’ve got smaller ones dropping every few weeks. These focus on ironing out bugs, enhancing performance, and tightening security.

Why the continuous updates? Well, credit goes to a global team of developers who are always tinkering and improving. Then, boom! Your site gets a fresh dose of goodness.

And here’s a sweet bonus: WordPress handles those minor updates automatically. No need to lift a finger; it’s like having your own IT crew on standby.

Pro tip: Keep your WordPress version up to date. It’s not just about staying trendy; it’s about unlocking new features, boosting performance, and staying ahead in the online game. So, even amidst discussions about “Is WordPress dying?”, staying updated ensures your site remains relevant and competitive.

Ease of Use & Flexibility

First off, its popularity is off the charts, and for good reason. With WordPress, you can craft a stunning website without needing to crack open a coding textbook. Seriously, it’s that user-friendly.

Just take a peek at the numbers: nearly 4 million WordPress sites are up and running in the good ol’ USA alone. That’s a testament to its widespread appeal.

And let’s talk interface. It’s as clean and straightforward as they come. The left-side menu makes navigating a breeze, perfect for rookies dipping their toes into the website-building waters.

Now, onto the block editor. Picture this: a toolbox packed with all sorts of nifty blocks—images, headings, videos, quotes—you name it. Building posts and pages? A total cinch.

But wait, there’s more! Flexibility is WordPress’s middle name. Themes? Plugins? It’s got ’em in spades. Whether you’re eyeing the sleek vibes of Astra or diving into the endless possibilities of SeedProd, the choice is yours.

And plugins? Oh boy, where do we even begin? Need a contact form? Done. Dreaming of an online shop? Easy peasy. With a whopping 59,000 plugins at your fingertips, the sky’s the limit.

In a nutshell, WordPress strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and customization. It’s a dream for beginners craving an intuitive experience, yet it still offers seasoned pros a playground of endless tweaks and adjustments.

So, is WordPress dying? Not a chance. It’s thriving, evolving, and ready to tackle whatever the future holds.


WordPress remains a top choice for website builders due to its SEO-friendly features. It’s built on clean, semantic code that search engines love, making your site stand out.

You can easily customize your permalink structure, titles, meta descriptions, and utilize categories and tags to improve search rankings—all without needing advanced coding skills. Plus, there’s a plethora of SEO plugins available to enhance your site further.

One standout plugin is All in One SEO for WordPress. It offers comprehensive SEO tools, including title and meta description optimization, broken link fixes, and XML sitemaps. It also provides on-page SEO analysis, social media integration, and schema markup for enhanced visibility.

So, is WordPress dying? Far from it. With its SEO capabilities and support from plugins like All in One SEO, it remains the leading choice for website development.


Some say it’s a hotbed for hackers and bugs, but that’s a bit exaggerated when discussing whether “Is WordPress dying” or thriving.

WordPress is actually quite secure, with a global team of experts keeping watch. Plus, tools like Sucuri add extra layers of protection, blocking bad traffic and boosting speed. Plus, it even speeds things up with a content delivery network (CDN).

And those themes and plugins? Most are rigorously checked for security, especially the premium ones. Even the freebies in the WordPress repository meet strict standards.

But it’s always smart to play it safe: use security plugins, keep backups, and stay updated. That way, your WordPress site stays strong.


WordPress caters to websites and businesses of all sizes.

When it comes to scalability, , WordPress is a champ. With the right tools and plugins in your arsenal, your site can handle heavy traffic like a pro. I’m talking about hosting services that can take the heat without sacrificing speed and caching plugins that turbocharge your load times.

Utilizing CDN networks for handling increased traffic ensures seamless growth. So, is WordPress dying? Not a chance. It’s thriving and evolving, ready to support your online presence every step of the way.

The Bad

We’re all about it for building websites, but let’s keep it real: there are a few hiccups you might run into.

Reliance on WordPress Plugins

You know, WordPress is like a treasure trove with over 59,000 free plugins just waiting for you. It’s like having your own personal toolbox to spruce up your website with whatever bells and whistles you fancy.

But here’s the thing: relying too heavily on plugins can sometimes turn into a bit of a tangled web, especially when considering the question, “Is WordPress dying?”. Picture this: You’ve got one plugin for this, another for that, and suddenly they’re stepping on each other’s toes, causing your site to hiccup.

And let’s talk about the risk of using outdated plugins. It’s like leaving your front door unlocked. Sure, most plugins get tested before they hit the directory, but there’s always a chance one might get left behind in the update race, leaving your site vulnerable to gremlins and glitches.

So while plugins can be your site’s best friend, it’s worth keeping an eye out for those pesky pitfalls.

WordPress Errors

While it’s super easy to navigate, sometimes you might hit a snag. Picture this: you’re all set to visit your site, but bam! Internal Server Error pops up out of nowhere. Sounds scary, right? But don’t sweat it! It’s just the server having a bad day and not recognizing the problem. Lucky for you, you’re in control. Try clearing your browser cache, tweaking some PHP settings, or giving those plugins a timeout.

And hey, that’s not all! You might stumble upon other WordPress hiccups like the dreaded 504 gateway timeout or RSS feed errors. Sounds like a headache, but trust me, it’s fixable. Dive into the web, hit up those WordPress forums, and you’ll be back on track in no time.

Hosting & Domain Name Costs

WordPress is totally free since it’s open-source, which is pretty cool.

But, hold up! Before you start celebrating that freebie, let’s talk about the real deal. See, while WordPress itself won’t cost you a dime, you’ll need a domain name and web hosting to get your site up and running. A domain name is basically your website’s address on the internet, like, and that can set you back about $14.99 a year.

Now, onto hosting. Prices can start from around $7.99 a month, which might sting a bit if you’re just starting out and pinching pennies.

Performance Issues

Just because WordPress is popular doesn’t guarantee your site will zip along effortlessly. Nope, it can still stumble and slow down, making users roll their eyes and Google drop you down the rankings.

Why the snail’s pace, you ask? Well, it could be a sketchy hosting plan, gigantic images hogging bandwidth, too many plugins crashing the party, messy code, or a database throwing a tantrum.

So, what’s the solution? Speed up, my friend! Opt for lazy loading comments, stick to JPEG and PNG for images, pick light-as-a-feather themes, and shrink those visuals down to size.

Oh, and don’t forget the secret sauce: WP Rocket. It’s like a turbo boost for WordPress, keeping your site sprightly even when traffic comes knocking.

The Ugly

Nothing is perfect! Here’s the lowdown on the not-so-great stuff you might want to think about if you’re thinking about jumping on the WordPress train for your website.

Needs Regular Maintenance

Sure, WordPress is awesome for building websites, but here’s the deal: to keep your site running smoothly, you gotta stay on top of some maintenance stuff.

First off, always make sure you’re rocking the latest WordPress version. It’s like giving your site a little tune-up.

Then, get into the habit of making regular backups, tweaking your database for optimum performance, and running those speed tests. Oh, and don’t forget to switch up your password every now and then – it’s your first line of defense against sneaky hackers.

Now, I won’t lie, these tasks can be a bit of a pain. But skipping them? That’s a risk you don’t wanna take. Your site’s performance and security are on the line, after all.

Bloated Code

Some folks say it’s outdated because it comes packed with tons of features for all sorts of websites. But here’s the scoop: a bunch of those features are optional and might not even be useful for your site.

Now, the downside? All those extra features can bulk up your site’s code, making it slower to load. But fear not! You can trim the fat by turning off the settings you don’t need.

Take pingbacks, for instance. They let other blogs know when you link to them, but do you really need that? Probably not for every site. And those cute emojis? They’re fun, but they can hog space in your database.

So, what’s the solution? Disable what you don’t need. Pingbacks, emojis, default themes, unused plugins—you name it. Just be cautious before hitting that off switch, especially if you’re new to WordPress. You wouldn’t want to accidentally zap a feature you end up needing, right?

What Is The Future Of WordPress?

So, we’ve taken a deep dive into the world of WordPress, checking out all the good, bad, and downright ugly stuff. And let me tell you, the verdict is in: WordPress is not on its deathbed. Nope, not even close. In fact, it’s thriving!

Why, you ask? Well, for starters, it’s a powerhouse of a platform that’s constantly getting updates. It’s like the Energizer Bunny of website builders—always improving, always staying ahead of the game.

And let’s talk about SEO. WordPress practically wrote the book on it. It’s super friendly to search engines, which means your site has a better shot at climbing those search result rankings.

Oh, and scalability? Check. Security? Double check. It’s like having your own personal web fortress.

And get this: it’s not just us singing its praises. WordPress is gaining more fans by the day. Just check out its booming community and the staggering 5 million-plus websites rocking WooCommerce for online stores alone.

But wait, there’s more! Brace yourself for the future because Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to cozy up with WordPress. Talk about a power couple!

Final Word

Is WordPress dying? Not a chance! Let’s set the record straight: WordPress is here to stay and stronger than ever.

With a whopping 43% of the web powered by WordPress, it’s the undisputed champion of website builders. Don’t believe the rumors – from its user-friendly interface to its regular updates, WordPress is the go-to choice for millions.

But hey, don’t just take our word for it? Want to experience the magic of WordPress firsthand? With Margator’s WordPress development services, you can take your website to the next level. From sleek designs to seamless functionality, we’ve got you covered. Ready to join the WordPress revolution with The Margator? Contact us today!